Suicide Squad: What we know so far...
Recently, the third trailer was released for Suicide Squad which is due to be released on the 5th of August 2016. From the three trailers, we can make guesses as to what is going to happen in the movie and look out for Easter eggs, which could be hinting to the plot. You can watch the trailers here: First trailer: Second trailer: Third trailer:

So, from the three trailers, new characters have been introduced. The characters we know so far... Deadshot, Harley Quinn, El Diablo, Killer croc, Captain Boomerang, Katana, Enchantress, Rick Flag, Amanda Waller, Slipknot, Batman and The Joker. But, there are a few characters we have seen in the trailers, but we don't know who they are...

There is this alien-looking character who is attacking the subway station. During the second trailer's release, people made guesses that this was Tattoo man, as IMDb had confirmed that Common is playing someone called Tattoo man. However, as the third trailer's release, IMDb have changed the role from Tattoo man to Monster T. I imagine that they are the same character, but known by two different names, but maybe I'm wrong...

This character can be found throughout the second trailer and there are rumours that he is either Deathstroke or Dick Grayson as Agent 37. Personally, I'm leaning more towards him being Dick Grayson. Only because this character doesn't look like an evil character, like Deathstroke. He can be seen throughout the trailer, dressed similar to Rick Flag, meaning he is helping out in keeping the Suicide Squad members following orders. Also, he is looking at Harley like they've met each other before, which, I know, both, Deathstroke and Robin have met her before, but Deathstroke only met her briefly in the Suicide Squad comics and he was trying to kill her, which I think this character is not trying to do...

Batman has some scenes in the trailers, however, I don't think he will have a big role in the Suicide Squad, before you get your hopes up, because he would have been busy on Batman vs Superman. I imagine Batman to be the Spider-man in Civil War...maybe getting around 30 minutes screen time. From the 30 minutes screen time theory, I can't imagine he will be around to stop the Suicide Squad or The Joker from whatever is going on. In the second and third trailer, we can see Joker and Harley in the vat of chemicals, which bleached their skin white and we can see them both in a car together, possibly getting away from Batman, who can be seen on top of the car in the trailer, meaning, that all of these scenes with Batman are Harley's flashbacks, showing her New 52 origin story and what her life was like afterwards with The Joker, as well as the scenes of The Joker torturing her and telling her "I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just gonna hurt you, really, really, bad.", before her transformation.
In the third trailer, The Joker can be seen telling someone, "Are you sweet talking me? All of that chit chat is gonna get you hurt." In this scene, there is a mirror behind The Joker, and we can see the reflection of the person he is talking to. I could only make out a bald, black guy with a moustache. When looking through IMDb, I could only find Tattoo man/ Monster T played by Common, so maybe he isn't always a alien in a subway...And maybe he is helping The Joker...? Another possibility was one of the Navy SEAL members or the Casino Boss. In this scene, it does look like he is in a room what looks like it could be a casino, so maybe he is trying to take the casino from him, which does explain the scene in the second trailer, where Harley is dancing and holding chains, with The Joker sitting at a table in the background, so it could be another flashback scene.