Joker's Identity To Be Revealed?
Rebirth is coming and it is going to change everything we know about The Joker! In Justice League #42, Batman sits in The Mobius Chair and asks it two questions: Who killed his parents and what's The Joker's real name? The chair told Batman that Joe Chill killed his parents and The Joker's name is revealed to Batman, but not the reader. After hearing his name, Batman says, "No, that's impossible!" Rebirth writer, Geoff Johns, said that The Mobius Chair scene will be followed up on and that readers of the comic will learn The Joker's name. "It'll all become clear when we get to that story,". It hints about Batman in Rebirth, "Batman will become focused on a mystery that will change everything he knows about his greatest villain.", which is hinting at The Joker!

The response Batman makes after he finds out The Joker's real name was "No! That's impossible!", meaning that Batman recognises the name he is given, so it is someone who is close to him or well-known in Gotham. So who could it be? Could it be Joe Chill in this universe?
To be honest, I don't know how I feel about this. Finding out The Joker's true identity will just take away his terrifying, unpredictable and mysterious characteristics. This is similar to The Arkham Knight video game. After Gotham finds out that Bruce Wayne is Batman, thugs on the street can be heard saying something along the lines of, "I understood The Joker. He could have revealed The Batman's true identity whenever he wanted to, but he didn't, because he knew it wouldn't be fun kinda takes away Batman's mysterious and threatening look." I think that this would be the same if Joker's true identity was revealed. Although, I have always been curious. Who hasn't!? And it has always bothered me how he doesn't have a name and a clear origin story, but I think it would be better if we didn't know it. But who knows, it could be great once we find out and would be a awesome comic to read!