Justice League Villain-Braniac?
With Batman vs Superman done and out of the way and the script completed for the upcoming Justice League movie, filming of The Justice League will start this year! Now we all know which characters are going to be in the movie: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, BUT all characters have not been confirmed. There are rumours and theories that Braniac could be part of the movie as the villain and Martian Manhunter will be in the movie to aid the Justice League heroes.

If you look behind Ben Affleck's batsuit, you will see designs for a character who looks like Braniac, green head, black and purple suit, who else could it be!? If you don't know who Braniac is... Braniac is one of Superman's popular villains. He is known to attack Earth, by shrinking cities and storing them in glass bottles. He even shrank Metropolis. With the cities stored in the bottles, he usually intends to restore the cities back on his home planet. He can be seen shrinking cities such as London and Paris in popular children's game, LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.

In the Silver Age comics, Braniac had a purple, classic looking Flying Saucer, but now, he is known to have a huge spaceship shaped as a skull with tentacles. Braniac shrinks the cities from his skull spaceship with a shrink ray...who knew!? Underneath his green skin, he is a humanoid robot.