Arkham Asylum Boss Fights
Arkham Asylum is the first game in The Arkham Series and was a huge success as it was rated highly for it's boss fights. The boss fights consisted of sneaking in the sewers with Killer Croc lurking around, Poison Ivy's giant mutant plants, Scarecrow's nightmare world and a Joker on steroids! In a recent poll , people voted for which boss fight in Arkham Asylum, they enjoyed the most, which tested Batman's skills and capabilities!
6. Joker Titan
When I found out that Batman was on Joker's party list, I was excited to get to the end of the game. However, instead of balloons and cake, it was The Joker and two pooper... After dealing with the two titans, The Joker aims his titan formula gun at Commissioner Gordon, causing Batman to literally 'take the bullet', with the titan formula in his system. With the Batman trying to fight it off, The Joker kicks and tickles Batman with a feather, until giving up, after being punched in the face by Batman, and pointing the gun under his head and shooting himself. The Joker become a disgusting Titan, with his bones sticking out of his skin and blood dripping from his ribs and has Batman in his bony hands on the rooftops. After The Joker throws Batman down, he turns his back (WHY!?) and waves to the news helicopters, giving Batman the chance to use the batclaw to grab the bones sticking out of The Joker's back and pulling him down. Doing so, The Jokers hands get stuck in the floorboards, to allow Batman to repeatedly punch him, until he is free from the floorboards. The Joker does the same again and sends explosives and his henchmen to attack Batman. After beating The Joker repeatedly, Batman sprays explosive gel on his own fist and punches The Joker in the face, causing an explosion, blowing both of them away from each other, knocking The Joker out and hurting Batman's arm. Hmmmm...I wonder why The Joker is ill in Arkham City...

5. Poison Ivy
After getting an antidote to stop Ivy's mutant plants, Batman goes to the Botanical Gardens to use it on the plants. However, Ivy stops Batman before he can do so, by whipping it out of his hand with a vine. To prevent him from hurting her plants, Ivy grows a giant Venus Fly Trap-like plant and goes inside one of it;s pods to protect herself. Ivy's plant shoots poison spores at Batman, whilst sending mind controlled henchmen to attack him and growing long vines to trap him. Whilst dodging everything Ivy is throwing at him, Batman throws batarangs at Ivy, when her pod opens. Doing this repeatedly, make Ivy weak, causing the plant to collapse and giving Batman a chance to spray explosive gel on her pod and blow up the plant!

4. Killer Croc
Batman must go down into the sewers below Arkham Asylum, to collect spores, to create an antidote for Ivy's mutant plants. However, down in the sewers with him, is Killer Croc. Batman must walk on the wooden panels, floating on the water, slowly, creating as little sound as possible, so Killer Croc can't detect him. Doing this, makes this fight the quietest and the most tense, as Killer Croc occasionally jumps up from the water and charges towards Batman, making him quickly throw a batarang at his electric collar. Once Batman collects all the spores he needs, he needs to make his way back out again, which can be harder than going in, when Killer Croc starts to remove the wooden panels behind him, causing him to run. As Batman gets towards the exit, Killer Croc jumps outand chases Batman. Luckily, Batman had prepared for this, and used explosive gel to blow up the floor below Killer Croc.

3. Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn has hostages all over Arkham Asylum, which Batman needs to save. However, the hostages are being kept hostage by traps. These traps consisted of electrified water below tied up hostages, a countdown poison gas bomb, and being tied up near an electrified floor. After saving two hostages, Harley cartwheels and flips up to a platform and kicks the button to activate the electric floor Batman is stood on. Once Batman gets up to the platform, Harley send henchmen to attack Batman using guns and pipes. Harley flees and goes into a control room, powering three electric floor platform, one at a time, whilst Batman fights more henchmen. I did find it quite funny however, when the henchmen were electrocuted by Harley's electric floors... After all the henchmen are taken care of, The Joker tells Harley that she 'failed' and is off the party list. In anger, Harley leaves the control room and heads for Batman, doing flips and cartwheels whilst doing so to kick him. This, as expected, fails and Batman grabs Harley's leg before she can kick him and throws her, causing her to hit her head on a metal railing. I'm surprised she didn't get a concussion, as she got back up and went for Batman again with a punch, but, as expected, again, she fails and Batman flips her onto the floor and later leaves her crying in a cell.

2. Bane
After saving Commissioner Gordon and temporarily apprehending Harley Quinn, Batman and Gordon find Penelope Young's test subject, she had been working on for The Joker: Bane. After telling Gordon to leave, Bane is filled with the same formula used on The Joker's titans and throws Batman through a wall. Batman must use the same tactics he uses to take on the titans to take out Bane, however Bane is smarter and stronger, making him more of a threat, as he breaks parts of the walls and throws it towards Batman, charges towards him quicker than titans and swings punches! Bane and Batman are also accompanied by Joker's henchmen to take on Batman also. And if that wasn't enough, Bane's health gradually grew from the pipes full of the formula and Titan. Batman needed to get on Bane's back and cut the pipes, to prevent him from gaining health. After many batarangs to the head and loss of Titan in his system, Bane goes down and Batman makes his way outside to meet with Gordon. But it isn't over yet when Bane punches through the wall and grabs Batman. Batman calls his Batmobile, causing Bane to be hit by it and going into the water!

1. Scarecrow
Throughout the game, Batman starts to hallucinate. The first time this happens is when Batman is looking for Gordon and sees a group of doctors in a room screaming and Scarecrow's shadow on the wall. From the hallucinations, Batman sees Gordon being dragged away and later finds him dead. Once in the morgue, Batman finds three body bags: one with his mother in, one with his father in and one with Scarecrow in. As Batman leaves the morgue, he is in Scarecrow's world. Batman must hide behind the ruins of Arkham Asylum and stay out of a giant Scarecrow's sight. Batman's mission is to get to a batsignal and shine the light on scarecrow. Encounters like this, happen around 3 or 4 times in the game and even makes the player believe that the game has crashed and restarted at the beginning. But later finds out, it is just one of scarecrows tricks when The Joker is driving the batmobile with Batman handcuffed at the back, towards Arkham Asylum. It then even tricks you again, when The Joker shoots you in the head, making the player believe that they failed the mission. The Scarecrow continues to inject fear toxins into Batman with his needles mounted onto his fingers. However, Batman escapes his world multiple times and confuses Scarecrow. Batman chases The Scarecrow as he flees down in the sewers, where he threatens to drop his toxins into the sewer system, contaminating Gotham for years. But before he can do so, Killer Croc jumps up from the water and grabs The Scarecrow and pulls him down the water with him.

Scarecrow's world was so fun and impressive to do, they even brought it back in Arkham Knight, PS4 edition. No wonder it was voted in at number one Arkham Asylum boss fight! Take part in the polls on Facebook!