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Arkham City Boss Fights

Arkham City was more story than boss fights, therefore, it had less boss fights than Arkham Asylum. But, in my opinion, these boss fights were a lot harder and a lot more challenging that tested all the players skills, more than Arkham Asylum, which made them better. This especially goes to the Mr Freeze boss fight, which was extremely satisfying once you finished it! In a recent poll, people voted for their favourite boss fight in Arkham City, which I think, was a hard choice...

4. Clayface

Throughout most of Arkham City, we are led to believe that The Joker has got a cure for his illness and is back to his normal self. However, after Batman has dealt with Hugo Strange and Ras al Ghul, he goes after The Joker at The Monarch Theatre, to get the cure for himself and to rescue Talia al Ghul, to find that the whole thing was a rouse. When Talia stabs 'The Joker' with a sword and 'kills' him, Batman has some sort of epiphany, realising what's been happening throughout the game. The real Joker is still, in fact, ill and shoots Talia before Batman can do anything. The Joker Talia stabbed turns out to be Clayface, mimicking The Joker all along! Batman has to dodge all that Clayface throws at him, clay spikes and hammers. The Joker activates the bombs below them so Batman and Clayface continue to fight at the Lazarus pit below, Clayface sending clay men to attack, whilst he is stuck. Batman uses the sword and ice grenades to attack Clayface, slicing him into pieces, before jumping into his mouth to get the cure, leaving Batman in a clay mess...

3. Solomon Grundy

After the extremely long-winded task of capturing The Penguin with his titan, shark, jammers, hostages, Sickle and Mr Freeze held hostage, Batman finally finds The Penguin at The Iceberg Lounge (where else would he be!?) with Mr Freeze's gun, however, it doesn't really do much when Batman uses the disruptor on it, jamming the gun, then allowing him to do the most satisfying punch in the game on Penguin! Unfortunately, it's not over with The Penguin yet, as he, like The Joker, blows up the ground beneath Batman, taking him to a room underground with Solomon Grundy, who starts singing his little rhyme about his life. As Batman dodges Solomon Grundy's attacks with a ball on chains, he uses explosive gel to destroy the electricity, keeping him alive. After beating Solomon Grundy unconscious, the player gets the option to finish him. Unfortunately, Solomon Grundy wakes up before Batman can finish him and grabs him, and electrocutes himself, with Batman in his grasp. The player has to struggle out of his grasp and destroy the electricity supply again, which then leads to Batman ripping out Solomon Grundy's heart! I think it's safe to say that Solomon Grundy won't be a problem again...

2. Ras al Ghul

Ras al Ghul gives Batman a chalice to drink from, which keeps him from dying from Joker's blood a little longer. However, the chalice takes Batman into Ras' world, a sand Gotham, where Batman must glide from platform to platform, without touching anything along the way. He also has to attack sand ninjas once he reaches the platforms, to proceed further. After the gliding and sand ninjas, Batman finds himself in a big open space with a giant Ras al Ghul in the centre. Batman must dodge all of Ras' sword attacks and shurikens, whilst shooting at him with his electricity gun. After a while, Ras is back to normal size and Batman must counter and block all of his sword attacks. At this point, the battle flashes from Ras' world to the real world, which makes the battle even more awesome to play! The battle finishes with Batman beating Ras repeatedly and slamming his head into the handle of his sword, before flashing back into the real world, where Ras takes Talia hostage, with a knife to her neck. Batman finishes Ras off with a reverse batarang to the back of his head, causing Ras to stagger forwards, allowing Batman to knock him out!

1. Mr Freeze

After Mr Freeze makes a cure for Batman, he destroys it in front of him, to make him save his wife, Nora. Freeze puts on his helmet and arms himself with his ice gun to prepare himself for the most epic battle in Arkham City! Mr Freeze is smart, so Batman can't do the same trick twice, making him use all the skills and gadgets he has, to stop Freeze. However, that is easier said than done...Batman can't exactly hide on vantage points or in floor grates, as Freeze has heat signature probes that detect where Batman is hiding, causing Batman to move quickly and execute his different attacks quickly. Batman can also use the environment to his advantage, such as, electrifying the water and powering the magnets on the walls with the electric gun to stop Freeze. After using every tactic he knows, Batman beats Mr Freeze, breaking his helmet visor....and probably his nose too...

Well, they are the Arkham City boss fights ranked from least favourite to favourite! And as expected, Mr Freeze's boss fight was the majorities favourite boss fight! Take part in our polls on Facebook!

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