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Arkham Origins Boss Fights

Because of Black Mask, Batman had 8 assassins trying to kill him in Arkham Origins for 50 million dollars as a reward. This meant that the player had at least 8 boss battles to do in the game, unless one assassin came back for more, which Bane did! Or if one of the assassins went down after one punch, which Electrocutioner did! So I guess that one isn't really a boss fight...but I'll include it anyway! In a recent poll, people voted for their favourite fight in Arkham Origins, which they had plenty to choose from, as Arkham Origins has the most boss fights!

10. Electrocutioner

Remember when I said 8 assassins? I'm pretty sure Lester Buchinsky isn't actually an assassin... This pathetic excuse for a boss fight was taken out by Batman from just one, simple kick. Sure it was in the head, but compared to the other 7 assassins, The Electrocutioner didn't really put up much of a fight. It is a real shame that this boss fight was as simple as pressing one button and it was done. This character had so much potential in having an awesome boss fight and it looked like it was going to be that way when he made his entrance on Penguin's boat. Personally, I was looking forward to that boss fight and got quite excited when he showed up... and then got disappointed within seconds. Because of that boss fight, I was glad that (SPOILERS) The Joker killed him...

9. Shiva

Only a side mission, but a good boss fight, considering it was only a side mission. True, like The Electrocutioner, Shiva had a lot of potential of becoming an awesome boss fight and I think that could have been achieved if she was included in the main story, instead of being a quick side mission. This boss fight took place in the lobby of Wonder Tower after Batman saved Shiva's hostages. If there is one thing Arkham Origins did right, it was the ninjas' and Shiva's combat, with double counters and swords!

8. Bane (GCPD)

Once getting to the GCPD towards the end of the game to find The Joker, Batman is faced with quite the challenge, which would break his number one rule! The Batman must fight and kill Bane! If he doesn't kill Bane, The Joker will die and Bane will kill Batman! Fortunately, with the help of Lester Buchinsky's electric gloves, Batman was able to temporarily kill Bane, tricking The Joker, and bringing Bane back to life with the gloves later on, Which, in some way, wasn't the best idea, as Bane grabs Batman and another boss fight begins...

7. Deadshot

As well as Shiva, Deadshot was also, unfortunately, a side mission boss fight...BUT this boss fight was great, nevertheless! Using his predator mode skills and the conveniently-placed gargoyles, Batman had to get close to Deadshot without being seen by him or his armed helpers. If only if it was as easy as it sounds though...Deadshot had his laser sights, which ricocheted off walls, allowing Deadshot to see every angle of the room, making it harder for Batman to hide.

6. Bane (Hotel Rooftop)

The first confrontation with Bane! Bane found Batman hiding above the lift (elevator for you Americans) and literally threw him around the hotel corridors, before throwing him in the same room with The Joker. Once Batman starts to brutally punch The Joker repeatedly in the face after he demolished a building, Bane comes in and throws Batman out of the window, onto a rooftop, where this boss fight takes place! At this point, it is revealed that Bane has his venom pipes around his body, under his coat. Bane charges around the rooftop into Batman with many guys also chipping in with punches. The player also does part of the Boss fight in the view of one of the news helicopters, filming the scene!

5. Killer Croc

The first boss fight in the game is with Killer Croc on the rooftop of Blackgate Prison, after Batman follows Killer Croc and Black Mask through the ruins of the building. just like the first Bane boss fight, Batman is on a rooftop with someone double his size, charging towards him. As well as Killer Croc's charging, he also throws explosive canisters at Batman and also attempts to bite him. The player had to dodge Croc as well as spamming buttons to prevent him from biting his head off (?).

4. Copperhead

After finding Richard Sionis at Sionis industries and getting poisoned by Copperhead, Batman hallucinates some creepy shadows, following him on the walls and Commissioner's Loeb's death. I guess they have to have a creepy boss fight in every Arkham game... Copperhead's flexibility and snake-like features also adds in making this fight even more creepy! Batman then starts hallucinating more, when he starts to see multiple Copperheads...everywhere, and he must fight them all until he eventually finds the real one. Copperhead also jumps forwards towards Batman on some occasions, incredibly fast, making her hard to dodge!

3. Bane (TN-1)

The EPIC final boss fight in the game with the third encounter with Bane (He never seems to give up!), but this time, he turns into the classic (ish) Bane we all know, when he goes on his titan drug, TN-1, (basically, Arkham Origins' version of his Venom). At this stage, Bnae is too big and strong to face head on, causing Batman to hide in the vents and wait to execute his attacks on Bane with the help of the electric walls, around Blackgate. Although Bane has lost most of his intelligence at this stage, he is still smart enough to check the grates and throw them off it's screws, making the boss fight even more terrifying! After beating Bane unconscious, Batman goes to talk to Alfred, but this is suddenly stopped when Bane wakes up and punches Batman through a wall! Ending this boss fight, Batman uses the batclaw on the walls with electricity, trapping Bane, electrocuting him and leaving him upside down!

2. Firefly

Who doesn't love a boss fight with fire!? Before getting to Firefly, Batman must climb through the debris of the bridge and then take out waves of henchmen. After that, Batman encounters Firefly and must repeatedly use his glue grenades to fix him in position, his batarangs to hit him with and then his batclaw to grab him and pull him close, allowing him to punch him. In between this process, Batman must also dodge Firefly's flame-thrower and grenades, even when Batman must move to safer part of the bridge, sliding under cars and climbing loose parts of the bridge! The boss fight then ends with Batman breaking Firefly's jet pack at punching him unconscious!

1. Deathstroke

Who else would be at number one!? This boss fight was PERFECT! Starting with his awesome appearance of hanging Batman upside down whilst he was interrogating The Penguin, this boss fight purely tested Batman's combat skills, mostly countering Deathstroke's quick staff and sword attacks and attacking him back when he had the chance! Deathstroke would also disappear from his smoke pellets and then using his remote claw on explosive canisters, causing them to fly towards Batman. Batman must also use his gauntlets when Deathstroke jumps out to counter his quick sword attacks and dodge his gunshots! Doing this repeatedly, Batman gradually breaks Deathstroke's weapons and armour, revealing his face. The fight then finishes, with Batman grabbing Slade's sword by the blade, kicking him, throwing his sword towards him and knocking him out with a punch and a kick to the head! What a way to end the perfect boss fight!

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