The Flash: Season 2 Finale
Season 2 of The Flash is over, and most people felt that Barry did a bad thing of saving his mother from The Reverse Flash, which would have caused an endless list of timey-wimey problems, like Barry, Joe and Iris not being as close as they was, he wouldn't have met Harrison Wells, Cisco or Caitlin. So basically, Barry has undone everything that has happened in season 1 and season 2.
So What Will Happen In Season 3?
As you can imagine, there have been many theories and guesses as to what will happen in season 3 and how it will be done. A popular theory is that season 3 could be the start of the famous Flash story, The Flashpoint Paradox. It is probably the most likely to happen and the most popular theory because The Flashpoint Paradox story is so popular, it became a successful animated movie and Carlos Valdes, who plays Cisco, made a comment about the theory. Valdes said, "I think there's every chance of a Flashpoint paradox. Some people expressed reservation about that - why are we going there? But then some people were all about it. I think I can say this without a doubt: wherever we go from here, it's going to be unique and it's going to be different and it's going to honour the original chronology and the original lore while at the same time, writing a new spin on it. I think it's that spirit that's allowed our shows to do as well as they do, so I ask the fandom to have faith."
What Happened To Jay Garrick/Hunter Zolomon/Zoom?
The Time Wraiths finally caught up with Zoom and turned him into someone comic fans may recognise. As his skin withers away and his logo turns white and red, he can then be recognised and The Black Flash! So who is The Black Flash? The Black Flash is basically a dead-looking Flash who acts as The Grim Reaper for speedsters, taking the spirits from them. A popular story of this is Blackest Night.

Earth 3- Jay Garrick Flash
The man in the iron mask was revealed to be the real Jay Garrick from Earth 3 and he returned to his world as Harrison Wells and Jesse Wells left to go back to Earth 2, so there is a good chance that Earth 3 will be seen frequently in season 3. Earth 3 is famously known to have a group called The Crime Syndicate. The group are essentially the bad Justice League from Earth 2, with the members being Atomica, Deathstorm, Grid, Johnny Quick, The Outsider, Owlman, Power Ring, Sea King, Superwoman, and Ultraman, Johnny Quick being a speedster.

The Flash will return later this year for season 3.