Suicide Squad: Scott Eastwood's Character Announced?

Suicide Squad is less than two months away and Scott Eastwood's charcater has been a mystery since March. Rumours have been going around that he is playing Nightwing. Other rumours say he is playing Deathstroke. Some rumours say he is playing Roy Harper. It has in fact been revealed who he is playing on Wikipedia. However it may not be true because, well, Wikipedia isn't the most reliable of sources. But it says that Scott Eastwood is playing someone called Thomas Andrew Tresser also known as Nemesis.

Who is Nemesis? (The following information is from The DC Wiki)
Tom Tresser is a vigilante, turned operative for the U.S. government and a master of disguise. His default costume is a black turtleneck sweater with a balance as a chest symbol and a chest holster.
Suicide Squad
Nemesis is recruited by Amanda Waller to work undercover for the Suicide Squad. His first mission is infiltrating the terrorist group Jihad in Qurac by impersonating the terrorist Mushtaq. This is revealed when Plastique tries to sell the team out to Mushtaq, and Nemesis knocks her out. When Belle Reve is attacked by the Female Furies of Apokolips, Nemesis tries to fight Lashina with a machine gun and is easily defeated. They are sent to release imprisoned writer Zoya Trigorin in the Soviet Union, and Nemesis goes undercover in a psychiatric hospital. The team is discovered and Nemesis leads them out while fighting the Soviet army. He is trapped with Nightshade inside a train car, and he admits that he has feelings for her, but she has feelings for Rick Flag. Nemesis offers to stay behind and cover their escape, then says he's quitting the team anyway because he does not want to work with criminals. This fails and he is forced to escort Zoya to their helicopter. Zoya is gunned down by enemy fire, and Nemesis is arrested by the Russian army while holding her in his arms.

If you ask me, I think it fits perfectly! Suicide Squad will be released on August 5th.