Gotham: Fish Mooney (Season One)

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Most Batman fans would know who Fish Mooney is now, even those who don't watch Gotham! She has been through a lot and has done some crazy things in the first two seasons, from breaking Oswald Cobblepot's leg, to scooping out her eye and stomping on it, to being pushed off from a rooftop into the ocean, to being resurrected by Hugo Strange!
Fish Mooney's first scene is in an alley just outside her nightclub. There she beats a man with a baseball bat, accompanied by her right hand man, Butch Gilzean, her Umbrella Boy, Oswald Cobblepot and two of her men, assumed as security for the nightclub. She is soon visited by GCPD Detectives, James Gordon and Harvey Bullock, asking about Thomas and Martha Waynes' murder. Fish denies knowing anything about the murder, but promises that she will try to help. Later, she calls Bullock ,telling him that one of her men knows who has a pearl necklace, matching the description of Martha Wayne's. Gordon and Bullock go to the house of the criminal, Mario Pepper, to ask about the Waynes' murder, but he denies having any involvement with the crime and makes a run for it. Bullock later shoots and kills Pepper, saving Gordon from him. The pearl necklace was then found in Mario Pepper's apartment.
Mooney is later visited by Jim Gordon in her office. Gordon alleges Mooney of framing Pepper by planting a replica of Martha Wayne's necklace. As Jim is about to leave, Fish's men attack him and then Fish knocks him unconscious.
Fish Mooney is later seen watching a comedian audition at her nightclub and finding him likeable and funny. She then gets a call from Butch Gilzean, telling her that Bullock has come to save Gordon from a warehouse. Bullock then talks to Fish on the phone and goes to the extreme of threatening her to let Gordon go. Because of this, Fish tells Gilzean to hang and kill Bullock along with Gordon, but Bullock and Gordon is then saved by Fish's boss, Carmine Falcone.
Whilst Oswald Cobblepot is giving Fish a foot rub, Fish tells Oswald all of her ambitions for Gotham and taking over from Falcone, saying that he is "old and soft". After telling Oswald that he is like a son to her, she then blames him for telling the MCU about framing Mario Pepper with the pearl necklace as he was the only one who saw her with the necklace. Panicking, Oswald says it was Gilzean, but Fish then says that Gilzean is loyal. Oswald then tries to defend himself by saying that he is loyal also and goes on with saying that he would "open a vein" for her. Fish immediately gives Oswald a knife and tells him to do so. When Oswald tries to back out, Fish turns her back to him. When Fish deliberately angers Oswald by calling him "my little...Penguin", Oswald takes his opportunity to attack Fish with the knife, but Fish turns around, hits him to the ground with a chair and then beats him repeatedly with a chair leg, severely injuring Oswald's leg, giving him his limp.

Soon after, Fish Mooney gets a visit from her boss Carmine Falcone. Falcone tells Fish that Oswald told him about her plans to get rid of Falcone, which Fish states as untrue. Falcone then asks about her love life. Fish says she loves no one, but one of her men called Lazlo, who she likes to keep around for exercise. Carmine tells Lazlo to keep Fish safe and to stay loyal and then gets his men to attack him. Once Falcone and his men leave, Fish shouts to get everyone out of her club. She then tells Butch that she wants to kill Falcone with her "bare hands and her teeth".
To get rid of Falcone, Fish trains a girl called Liza to gain the trust of Falcone. Liza starts to care for Falcone and asks Fish to stop the mission. Fish then explains how her mother was killed by Falcone's men when she was young and how she promised herself that she will never be weak or helpless again. Fish later makes her move on Falcone and 'abducts' Liza, taking her away from him. Falcone finds out Fish has her. Fish tells him to leave Gotham and he gets Liza back, but Penguin tells Falcone that Liza works with Fish. When Falcone arrives at Fish's nightclub, he strangles Liza to death and Victor Zsasz chases Fish and Butch. Butch helps Fish escape and tries to slow Zsasz down.
Fish is taken to an unknown location owned by Falcone where someone called Bob tortures her. Gilzean gets to Bob and beats him, injuring him severely and rescues Fish. Fish then tells Butch that she is going to lay low for a while and gets on a cruise ship to temporarily leave Gotham. The boat, however, is attacked and Fish is taken to an island along with other prisoners. She then takes in charge of the basement where she and the prisoners are being held, by killing the other leader with his knife. She makes a speech, telling the prisoners that she will help some of them to get out of the basement alive. Fish tells her fellow prisoners to beat the guard after previously negotiating with him for food. she is then taken to Dullmacher's assistant, where he asks her for her eyes. Fish chooses to get a spoon and scoop out her eye, before stomping on it.

Fish wakes up in a bed. There she meets Dr Francis Dollmacher. She tries to negotiate with him, trying to work with Dollmacher, of which he allows. As Dollmacher leaves, Fish gets up and takes off the bandages over her eye, to reveal that she has a blue eye. Fish then returns to the basement and tells the prisoners how they can escape. She goes to the toughest looking men and tells them that there's a boat they can escape on and tells them that she has unlocked the gate for them. As they leave to go to the boat, fish goes back to get the rest of the prisoners and goes to the helicopter, leaving the men at the boat to die. Fish then gets shot by a sniper, just as the helicopter starts to leave, but they still manage to escape.
Fish returns to Gotham on a small boat with some of the prisoners. There, she meets Selina Kyle. Fish is then seen at the warehouse with Selina and the prisoners, capturing Jim Gordon, Bullock, Penguin and Falcone. Fish makes a deal with Maroni to kill Falcone, but then shoots him in the head when he repeatedly calls her 'babes'. Everyone then escapes and Penguin kills all of Fish's men. Fish starts to run to the roof of the warehouse as Penguin chases her. As Penguin limps towards the wall she is hiding behind, Fish hits Penguin multiple times with a metal pole, but Penguin turns it around and starts to beat her. Both near towards the edge of the warehouse and have each other in their grasp. Butch then arrives and shoots them both, but instantly regrets it and apologises to Fish before getting knocked unconscious by Penguin. Penguin then charges towards Fish and pushes her off the warehouse, killing her...