Willem Dafoe and J.K Simmons in Justice League Part 1!
Earlier this month, it was revealed and confirmed that both, Spiderman's Green Goblin, Willem Dafoe, and Spiderman's J. Jonah Jameson,...

Joker's 76th
On the 25th of April 1940, The Caped Crusader's arch nemesis, The Joker was created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. Initially, however, The...

Justice League Villain-Braniac?
With Batman vs Superman done and out of the way and the script completed for the upcoming Justice League movie, filming of The Justice...

Grant Gustin Not In The Justice league!
Those of you who watch CW's popular TV show, The Flash, were probably quite upset, I know I was, when you found out that Ezra Miller was...

Joker's Identity To Be Revealed?
Rebirth is coming and it is going to change everything we know about The Joker! In Justice League #42, Batman sits in The Mobius Chair...

The Killing Joke Rated R!
As you are all probably aware by now, the famous Batman graphic novel, The Killing Joke, is being made into an animated movie adaptation,...

Arkham City Boss Fights
Arkham City was more story than boss fights, therefore, it had less boss fights than Arkham Asylum. But, in my opinion, these boss fights...

Arkham Asylum Boss Fights
Arkham Asylum is the first game in The Arkham Series and was a huge success as it was rated highly for it's boss fights. The boss fights...

The Many Robins
Batman has had his trusted sidekick fighting crime alongside him since 1940. Since then, Batman and Robin have been known as The Dynamic...

Opal City Characters Coming Into The Flash?
Towards the end of episode 16, 'Trajectory', of The Flash, there is a scene of Harrison Wells' daughter, Jesse Quick, going on a bus to...